
Just say no.
If you're looking for a reason to say no to participating, here's a hint. You don't need one. However, if you'd like to justify to friends and family why this isn't for you, here's a couple of reasons that would certainly help:
Taking a weekend out to participate would take you away from friends and family, and they are more important. Also, it will cost some money, and that could be better spent paying the bills and other stuff.

If, however, you are indeed curious about the nature of the kind of insights and information that spending time with the Storyteller provides, but have questions or doubts that are holding you back, then we've tried to think of some of the more natural questions that might arise, and how we personally might think about addressing them. Ultimately, whether you choose to come along is up to you. Certainly, it's about as threatening as talking to an old friend. And perhaps as exciting as making a new one! Here are some thoughts that might cross your mind, and how we might choose to respond.

It's a waste of time.
No question, it could be, although this then raises the question of how it might be. A lot of otherwise apparently rational individuals find these conversations with the Storyteller to be fascinating, insightful, and ultimately beneficial in many different areas.

I'll be told what to think.
Actually, you're being told what to think all the time, by politicians, newspapers, friends, family, colleagues, etc. This might be one of the few places where you're NOT told what to think! You could think of it as a brief vacation for those who would actually like the freedom to have their own thoughts, ideas and opinions, while still respecting others' rights to their thoughts, ideas and opinions!

It's a discussion group, and nothing gets done.
Well, to some extent, that’s true. We certainly don't go out and become bricklayers for a day, building shelters and fixing people's homes... Rather, we take the time to listen to and discuss with the Storyteller some of the more pertinent aspects of our life, family, career, world events, and how we might find more freedom in our thoughts and actions to confront those issues more effectively.

Once I'm in I'm trapped.
There is no obligation involved. There's no 'contract', no minimum fee, binding commitment, or any such rule. Bring a friend, and share the experience. All you can expect is an informal, though structured, conversation with a fascinating and delightful resource.

I don't need this.
Quite right, and having the freedom to attend, without the need to attend, is already a pleasure in itself. If only we had that same freedom elsewhere in life. Think of it as a break from all the ‘have to’s’ like how we dress, behave, what our friends and family think of us, and all those areas where we think we don't need or want something, but we find ourselves doing it anyway.

I won't fit in.
This isn't a clique. If you can go shopping without being upset by the people around you, you can probably sit in a room and listen or participate in a discussion without it being too disturbing either. Events are relaxed and good humoured.

I don't believe it.
Well, perhaps, that's the least of your concerns, for various reasons. First of all, there's nothing you're being asked to believe. Secondly, an intelligent discussion doesn't require belief, just participation. Thirdly, this kind of open-minded discussion is far less threatening than what you are bombarded with every day by the media. Indeed, this is about having more freedom and the ability to deal with people telling you what and how to think - not less.

It’s a cult.
It’s a what?! Sorry, but you'll have to find your cults elsewhere. This is about having the freedom to live your life in a way that benefits and gives joy to you.

It’s anti-religion.
The Storyteller does not judge anything that we believe, think, say or do.