The Energies

You may have heard of chakras or energy fields or Chi or any number of names for a very ancient concept of the life force that surrounds us. In the world of the Storyteller these energies are thought of as emotional energies. If you have ever felt the anger or the joy of someone around you, you have felt emotional energy. There are seven of these emotional energies that combine to form all things that we can perceive. There is also an eighth energy known as Chaos, as described below.

ALLOWANCE: This is the first energy and it emanates from the base of the spine. In the Storyteller's words: this energy allows the flow, the movement of all things. Without this flow, there would be no desire and there can be no creation.

In the emotions Allowance is what you will allow, and what you will not allow. If the allowance or non allowance is balanced, it is not formed from judgment or fear.

Within your body, Allowance resonates to the area of the base of the spine and the filtering organs of solid food and waste.


ALLEGIANCE: The second energy Allegiance emanates from the sacral area of the body. In the Storyteller's words: this energy provides your direction. Allegiance joins together and begins the formation of things. It is also the steps you take on the path you choose.

In the emotions Allegiance is also what you will join with and what you will not join with, and perhaps what you will join with for your fear of not joining.

Within your body, Allegiance resonates to the sexual organs and the endocrine system.



WILL and POWER: Will and power is the third energy and it emanates from the solar plexus. In the Storyteller's words: for all of the cosmos, this is the force that gathers things together. You call it gravity. You also know it as an attractive force. The attraction is determined by Allegiance, how quickly it is attracted is determined by Will and Power.

In the emotions, it is what you control and what controls you, and what you cooperate with and what you do not cooperate with. If you do not control yourself, the message you give to others is the need to be controlled. Society forms laws to control those who will not control themselves.

Within your body, it is the area of the solar plexus and resonates to bones, muscles, and connective tissue.


LOVE: The fourth energy is called Love and it emanates from the heart. In the Storyteller's words: Will and Power attracts all things together, but how densely it is brought together depends on the energy of Love. Love tells gravity, your Earth's attraction of you, how strongly to pull against you. Without Love, you would be crushed to the Earth. This energy is the glue which holds you together, and it is also the separation which provides the definition of you. It holds you from losing yourself into another.

In your emotions, if you give away your Love, you separate yourself from your own Love, lose your value, and it then becomes very difficult for others to join with you in love.

Within your body, Love resonates to the heart, lungs and circulatory system.


HARMONY: The fifth energy is called Harmony and it emanates from the throat. In the Storyteller's words: it is Harmony's job to be the cosmic recipe book. This energy knows the proper proportion. If you desire to create a rock, how much Harmony, Love and Will and Power are used? Harmony determines this.

To your emotions, it is Harmony that tells you when you are disturbed. It seeks to be your conscience, and is most important to your balance.

Within your body, Harmony resonates to the immune system.


KNOWLEDGE: The sixth energy is known as Knowledge and it emanates from the middle of the forehead. In the Storyteller's words: this energy is all that has been...the past. As soon as a thing is created, it is past.

Past events and emotions exist within you, are experienced with your five senses, and are stored in Knowledge.

Within your body, Knowledge is essentially the left side of your brain, which gives you linear thought.


WISDOM: The seventh energy is known as Wisdom. In the Storytellers' words: this energy is all that may be...the future.

In Wisdom, you imagine, desire and also fear.

Within you, Wisdom is essentially the right brain.


CHAOS: The eighth energy is known as Chaos. In the Storyteller's words: this energy is unspecified, unclear, undefined. Chaos burst out of the big bang to all places evenly. It is important to understand that within Chaos there exists one piece of each of the other seven energies and one piece of nothing. This space of nothing provides a place to create into.

Example of application:
Each food you eat has an essence of it's own, a resonance to one or more of the energies. Each food has an excess of energy for you to use. Fatty foods hold more Allegiance & Will and Power, while sugar has lots of Chaos and Allowance. Understand that the desire for these foods comes from the needs of the emotions and the physical body.